November 28, 2007

Bang, Bang

I learned to handle myself around guns when I was very young. I had to learn how to shoot rifles around the time I was ten or so. When you grow up in Alaska and you have a cabin in the middle of nowhere, and there are bears and wolves and mean moose to contend with you need to be able to try to save yourself. Consequently, I can shoot a rifle well enough to bruise my shoulder and save my ass.
In the last 10 years however, I haven't touched any type of gun other than to place it back in a drawer, closet, or safe. I have recently been thinking that shooting would be an interesting hobby to pick up and the self-defense factor wouldn't be too shabby, either. I don't want to shoot rifles though, they are big, and heavy, and as I said, they bruise my shoulder. I might want to shoot handguns, and especially to really figure out target shooting--and to become good at it. I would need a gun, lessons, and free time. If I rode my bike out to the shooting range, I could call myself a biathlete, which would be spiffy (if a bit of a fib).
Bang, bang--right on target!

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