November 28, 2007

Thank You

Special thanks to friend of friends, DGM Saw Owner. I am without internet at my house and posting slipped my mind at work and at the boyfriend's house...Saw Owner saved me! Or saved my NaBloPoMo. I have guilt though, oh the guilt, I may have to post again today-you know, if I remember.
The boar we had Sunday night was really good. Apparently, soaking your game in milk for 3-4 hours actually does draw out the gaminess. I was skeptical about that one, but now we know! The traveling we did Sunday sucked, but could have been worse. Left around 8:30 which put us back in town a little before midnight, traffic was pretty clear and smooth the whole way. However, arriving at midnight when you need to unpack and settle back in means no sleeping until 1:30 at the earliest. Hence my fatigue and crankiness. However, with boyfriend's finals coming up, I get to pretend to be single, which means that I go home after work and sleep.

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