December 18, 2007

What I Do When I Am Supposed to be Sleeping

Roxanne & Hat, originally uploaded by Ellen M.C..

Last night, as I was awake too late, doing things that should only be done by the crazy or the desperate (re-organizing my drawers and charity-bagging a bunch of stuff), I took a break to harass a dog.
This little collection is the result of my endeavors. Roxanne is quite the willing subject, with her surly attitude and willingness to stay still and be tortured. I plopped my hat on her head, and of course she was already wearing the vest (it is cold, the vest keeps her warm, she is not a sissy dog). I think she is styling, and probably wishing for me to stub a toe or disappear.

I bet you actually sleep when you are supposed to be sleeping, don't you? You don't know what you're missing.

December 12, 2007

And Then You Didn't Hear From Her for 12 Days

Do these folks seem a bit behind the curve to you?

Here's another thing, if you can't watch Beowulf in 3D, please don't watch it. I don't want you to tear your eyes out to stop the pain of terribleness. Seriously, in my snooty-pants opinion if it weren't for the lances and coins launching out of the screen at me (special thanks to the dorky glasses) the movie would be absolute trash. Didn't even follow the original story line. However, with the 3D, it was fairly entertaining. Would never watch it again, wouldn't be on the top 3 list of movies currently in theaters--however I don't regret seeing it. I mean it about the only-in-3D-thing though, you like your eyes too much to lose them like that.