August 28, 2008

Two Things

First, if there is anyone who is not Ben that reads this thing, go here. You'll like it.

Next: I have been holding on to this link for quite a while, intending to share. So now I share.
My band's name is: Grenadian British
The title of my first album: A Little More Sincere
And the cover:

Spiffy, no?

August 21, 2008


In my purse I have five packs of gum. Four of them have been opened, all of them are different flavors. I have Trident Original Flavor (which is always, always in my purse). I have Extra Cool Watermelon. I have Extra Classic Bubble.I have 5 Flare (Cinnamon). The one that is not open is Trident Xtra Care, Cool Mint.
I barely have an excuse, I like gum-obviously a lot. I hate running out (I buy 2 or 3 packages of Trident Original from Costco at a time). I'm going out of town this weekend...and I don't want to run out while I'm in the country?
However, this collection has accumulated over a couple of weeks because I like to try different types of gum. Usually I just toss an extra pack of Trident in my bag and keep a spare in my glovebox.
I may have lost it for good this time. Over gum. I may have lost it when I decided keeping a spare pack in my car was a good idea.
Crazy, again.

August 15, 2008


I have been getting near daily reminders that life is short. Everyone's time is so limited and we have no realistic hope of knowing when it will be our turn. So the question is how do we manage our short time?
Do we fight to experience? Do we create our own "bucket list"* now? Do we savor every moment? Take our time, let life happen?
Do we force our lives or mold them?

Here's what I haven't figured out. Everyday I consider the people I value and treasure their existence. I accept experiences, but in most cases, I don't force them to happen to me. I make mental lists and follow them out. Through all that though, am I doing the right thing for myself? Should I make a life list? I have a smaller one in my head, but if I write it out will it encourage me or will I be pushing my own little zen-balance out of whack?

*pardon the phrase