September 24, 2008

As it happens

So, it turns out the the special request I had the other day, has a fact this behavior of mine has a title. I am a food-pusher. Yep, I am.
And I'm keeping it up...for example tomorrow night Speed Racer will be played at Matt's house (8:30 pm, you are invited). Tonight-with the cover story of being a hostess-we are making cookies. And I expect the people who show up tomorrow to take the cookies away when they leave. I'm even putting them on paper plates to make it easier for the cookies to leave my presence.
Signing out,
Food-pusher extraordinaire (that' s me!)

the menu for tomorrow:
Orange Brownies
Coconut Cookies
M&M Brownie Cookies

September 20, 2008


You know who just found my blog? Amanda! Hi Amanda!

September 18, 2008

Special Request

I want to bake. I love baking...but this damn diet keeps me off of the good things about baked foods (simple carbohydrates, fat, sugar, flour, high energy density awesome-ness). So here's the thing, I need someone who wants to eat and remove from my presence the cupcakes, cookies, blondies, brownies, pies or cakes that I may or may not end up baking. Here's what needs to happen, we set a side a time to bake, we bake, I sample one serving of baked good (you sample as many as you want), we enjoy eachothers' company, you go home with the baked goods in question. You can do whatever you want with them, just don't let me have 'em.
I warn you, I am good at will want to eat the food I make. I want to eat the food I make, hense having you take it away. It is best if you are not on a diet.
Or, I could get over it and understand that my desire to bake is more just a desire to eat baked delicisiosness and move on.
So, let me know or make me learn. Either way is good.

September 5, 2008

Nice Guy

"In 1891, Robert Louis Stevenson received a letter from a Vermont girl named Annie Ide. Her birthday fell on Christmas, she said, and she seldom received birthday presents.

He replied with a document decreeing that "I, Robert Louis Stevenson, … in consideration that Miss Annie H. Ide, … was born, out of all reason, upon Christmas Day, and is therefore out of all justice denied the consolation and profit of a proper birthday; and considering that I, the said Robert Louis Stevenson, have attained an age when we never mention it, and that I have now no further use for a birthday of any description; … HAVE TRANSFERRED, and DO HEREBY TRANSFER, to the said Annie H. Ide, ALL AND WHOLE my rights and privileges in the thirteenth day of November, formerly my birthday, now, hereby, and henceforth, the birthday of the said Annie H. Ide, to have, hold, exercise, and enjoy the same in the customary manner, by the sporting of fine raiment, eating of rich meats, and receipt of gifts, compliments, and copies of verse, according to the manner of our ancestors."

He charged her to add "Louisa" to her name, "at least in private," and to use the birthday "with moderation and humanity"—and he directed that if she neglected these conditions the birthday would revert to the president of the United States. She didn't."

Found on Futility of my favorite internet sources for trivia.